I’m a bit late with these heh. I hope you all had a great valentine’s day!
212fahrenheit’s OC, Axl
De yummy-yaoi - Post original 18feb2014
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I’m a bit late with these heh. I hope you all had a great valentine’s day!
212fahrenheit’s OC, Axl
Varrick: You know, Bolin I just had the craziest idea…
In which Varrick produces the first porno - starring Bolin and Ginger
I think I’m getting even worse at shading these
Wherein I’m going to destroy your childhood starting with this guy.
Who is hard to draw by the way.
This was meant to be kuwabara but he’s even more difficult to draw so I had to settle with this.
honestly that cheap background took longer than the line art.
Aokise doodle gif.
I used a kiss gif as basis to make this one.